Welcome to the Lyrics & Song meaning section of your number one Disturbed Fan site on the web. We provide song meanings and lyrics for all of Disturbed's songs from every album. As well as those that didn't make it on an albums. If you find any errors please feel free to contact your admin on the contact us page.

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~ Katarina Croft

Disturbed Meanings

Disturbeds name meaning
It was a name that David was thinking of for years. It symbolized everything they were feeling at the time. The philosophy behind it is that you live in a world where you’re barraged by stimuli. Everyone is always trying to make you into something that you are not.

They’re telling you how to dress, what you should eat, how you should look, what music you should listen to, what’s cool and what’s not. It’s not allowing you any ability on your own to develop yourself as an individual. That is what we are completely against.

You should do whatever gives you inspiration. Whatever gives you meaning. In how you should act, how you should represent yourself and how you should be. Our whole lives other members of the band and especially myself have been outcasts of sorts.We’re not really sheep following the flock.

We’re all kind of the black sheep. It’s just that when you stand out like that people think there is something wrong with you or that you’re sick or twisted or disturbed or whatever the case may be

The Sickness Meanings

It shows the monster being born. This is the monster that society has created by years and years of its efforts to subjugate the individual inside the womb, gestating. The monster is not David Draiman, nor is it any band member.

What is the Sickness?
"Born out of what society has done or tried to do. The whole idea behind the sickness – the philosophy behind it is that you live in a world where you’re barraged by stimuli – whether you open up a magazine or you turn on the TV, or your parents preach to you, or the church, or whatever you believe in.

Everyone is always trying to make you into something that you are not. They’re telling you how to dress, what you should eat, how you should look, what music you should listen to, what’s cool and what’s not. It’s not allowing you any ability on your own to develop yourself as an individual.

That is what we are completely against. The sickness is a philosophy of individuality and development of self and just living life with passion. Whatever it is that moves you – you should do. Whatever gives you inspiration. Whatever gives you meaning. In how you should act, how you should represent yourself and how you should be.

Our whole lives other members of the band and especially myself have been outcasts of sorts. We’re not really sheep following the flock. We’re all kind of the black sheep. It’s just that when you stand out like that people think there is something wrong with you or that you’re sick or twisted or disturbed or whatever the case may be.

That’s what we wish to infect the rest of the world with – the cure, the sickness."

Believe Meanings

The symbol you see on the cover stand for Universal Belief. In it contains the four major religions: Celtic Cross, Star of David, Pentacle, and the Cresent Moon of Islam. The symbol is NOT satanic. NEVER WAS.

Prayer's video banned from most TV?
It was in fact banned from TV stations. Some people thought that it depicted scenes from 9/11, when in fact it had nothing to do with it.

The song is about a conversation with the idea of the God that common Judeo-Christian theology would have you believe in.

It speaks to the indominable nature of the human spirit, that no matter what life, fate, or God throws at you, you have the strength and wherewithal to get through it.

10,000 Fists Meanings

What is the theme behind it?
“There’s true substance, true passion, true emotion and relevancy to all of these songs,” explains DAVID. “And it’s an interesting record, in that it seems to really effectively fuse elements from our last two records, like the aggression and darkness of the first, with the more melodic and complex nature of the second.”

Indestructible Meanings

What is the theme behind it?
Similar to the last album. Hence the reason they guys named it "Indestructible"

Asylum Meanings

What is the theme behind it?
It deals with the duel meaning of the word "Asylum" Dealing with the memory of a lost loved one driving you to the brink of insanity, yet that memory is a haven for you.

It's also a safe place that you go to hide in. So while trapped within the memory on a certain level, you don't want to be set free from it.

There's a dual meaning to the word "asylum." Asylum is classically known to be a madhouse, but asylum also means a safe place, somewhere where somebody can have refuge. And so it is meant to outline the duality of that meaning.

That I seek the asylum of joining her in the grave. It's very dark, very fucked up, as usual.

The Guy Meanings

Who is "The Guy"?
The guy is the original 2D face from the Sickness album. The one on Ten Thousand Fists and Indestructible is just a 3D version of the one from The Sickness.

Mike Wengren's nephew used to see the 2D icon and used to be really afraid of him. He used to whisper "That's the guy! That's the guy, isn't it!"

The Sickness 2000

01. Voices
02. The Game
03. Stupify
04. Down With The Sickness
05. Violence Fetish
06. Fear
07. Numb
08. Want
09. Conflict
10. Shout 2000
11. Droppin' Plates
12. Meaning of Life

Believe 2002

01. Prayer
02. Liberate
03. Awaken
04. Believe
05. Remember
06. Intoxication
07. Rise
08. Mistress
09. Breathe
10. Bound
11. Devour
12. Darkness

Ten Thousand Fists 2005

01. Ten Thousand Fists
02. Just Stop
03. Guarded
04. Deify
05. Stricken
06. I'm Alive
07. Sons of Plunder
08. Overburdened
09. Decadence
10. Forgiven
11. Land of Confusion
12. Sacred Lie
13. Pain Redefined
14. Avarice

Indestructible 2008

01. Indestructible
02. Inside The Fire
03. Deceiver
04. The Night
05. Perfect Insanity
06. Haunted
07. Enough
08. The Curse
09. Torn
10. Criminal
11. Divide
12. Facade

Asylum 2010

01. Remnants
02. Asylum
03. The Infection
04. Warrior
05. Another Way to Die
06. Never Again
07. The Animal
08. Crucified
09. Serpentine
10. My Child
11. Sacrifice
12. Innocence

The Lost Children 2011

01. Hell
02. A Welcome Burden
03. This Moment
04. Old Friend
05. Monster
06. Run
07. Leave It Alone
08. Two Worlds
09. God of the Mind
10. Sickened
11. Mine
12. Parasite
13. Dehumanized
14. 3
15. Midlife Crisis
16. Living After Midnight

Immortalized 2015

01. The Eye of the Storm
02. Immortalized
03. The Vengeful One
04. Open Your Eyes
05. The Light
06. What Are You Waiting For?
07. You’re Mine
08. Who?
09. Save Our Last Goodbye
10. Fire It Up
11. The Sound of Silence
12. Never Wrong
13. Who Taught You How to Hate?
14. Tyrant
15. Legion of Monsters
16. The Brave and the Bold
17. Warning sign

Evolution 2018

01. Are You Ready?
02. No More
03. A Reason To Fight
04. In Another Time
05. Stronger On Your Own
06. Hold On To Memories
07. Savior Of Nothing
08. Watch You Burn
09. The Best Ones Lie
10. Already Gone
11. This Venom
12. Uninvited Guest

Divisive 2022

01. Hey You
02. Bad Man
03. Divisive
04. Unstoppable
05. Love to Hate
06. Feeding the Fire
07. Don’t Tell Me (featuring Ann Wilson)
08. Take Back Your Life
09. Part of Me
10. Won’t Back Down

Other songs

Glass Shatters
Dead inside