I have been working hard to finalize this site and I am happy to say we are at about 80% completion as far as the main page goes. The only thing I still need to complete is the lyrics page and add in some downloads. But I am not sure what downloads I should put up, so if you guys have any ideas please feel free to let me know. You can also contact me via email in the contact me page. But as I was setting up some of the pages I have a section to show what the past themes of the site were. And well I manages to track down all of the old screenshots as well as the dates the themes were used. It’s not exact but I got them as close as I could get. Check out some of our past designs, maybe you guys remember them from back in the day. Most of the themes I decided and maintained, (before I used wordpress my site was 100% HTML) there is only about two with in this list that was made by some one else.
Check the following page for all the details if it fascinates you, I just had to post these because it was kind of a cool place from the past for me.
Past Disturbed Zone themes